Don't Go Blind Trying To Do This Trend

Don't Go Blind Trying To Do This Trend

Are we really here again? I don't know why we are. I feel like it's another tide-pod situation. The things shared on TikTok range from dancing to food and life hacks. Some times these videos take off and start a trend.

Boredom is it, really the devil's playground?

It can be confusing when bad trends start to take off, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere. It's important to remember that trends like the Tide Pod challenge can be dangerous, and it's best to resist the urge to participate. Social media can be a great tool to find creative ways of entertainment, but it's always a good idea to exercise caution when it comes to any kind of challenge. Hopefully, this trend will be one that kids can stay away from this harmful activity.

This trend (bezzin) though isn't new as you would think. Upon a Google search there are tons of articles for the last few years but the first one I found from the times. 9 year old article on reports from MYFOXNY.COM. What is this wild "newish" trend? It is called "beezed" or "beezin"


What is "beezed or beezin"?

Plain and simple its rubbing Burts Bees Lip Balm on your eye lids. Some claim it gives them that energy boost before a night out or when waking up. It can produce these fake feelings of euphoria, alertness, or increased energy. A lot of kids have been noted that it gives a heighten sensation of being drunk or high with out using drugs.

Here is a video from @uberthiccgrampa

Boredom is a real problem for many in America, especially those with access to a lot of leisure activities.


Why is it beezed popular?

Chuck it up to kids being kids? Even as adults if we don't have some kind of structure we start doing stuff that is hazardous to our health. Think late 90s with jackass. Now add in the mix of video phones and social media. People see other people going viral now they want to, and so on.


Why is this trend dangerous?

The menthol and peppermint in the Balm can cause serious eye irritation, burning, inflammation, swelling and even pink eye. If gotten in eye. If sharing Lip Balm between people, whomever does this trend risks the dangers of the herpes virus. As they could borrow the Balm from a cold sore owner and possibly go blind.



What should we be doing?

It can be difficult to know how to talk to kids and friends about trying wild trends, especially when the majority of them aren't harmful. However, it's important to remember that everyone's body and immune system is different, and messing with our health for the sake of likes and shares is never a good idea. We should remind everyone that their health and safety should always be their top priority and can help them think twice before trying something that could be dangerous or unhealthy.


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